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Merge branch 'cosseratrod-system-test' into 'master'

System test for the Cosserat rod problem

See merge request !75
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1 merge request!75System test for the Cosserat rod problem
Pipeline #5947 passed
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace Dune {
case 0: // element dofs
globalIndex = globalElementIndex.index(element.template subEntity<0>(entity))
+ globalVertexIndex.size(2);
+ globalVertexIndex.size(1);
......@@ -30,13 +30,15 @@
#include <dune/gfe/cosseratvtkwriter.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/functiontools/boundarydofs.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/cosseratrodenergy.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/geodesicfeassembler.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfeadolcstiffness.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localprojectedfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/rigidbodymotion.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/rotation.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/riemanniantrsolver.hh>
typedef RigidBodyMotion<double,3> TargetSpace;
......@@ -52,8 +54,6 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
typedef std::vector<RigidBodyMotion<double,3> > SolutionType;
// parse data file
ParameterTree parameterSet;
if (argc < 2)
......@@ -97,22 +97,21 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
using GridView = GridType::LeafGridView;
GridView gridView = grid.leafGridView();
using FEBasis = Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,order>;
FEBasis feBasis(gridView);
SolutionType x(feBasis.size());
// Create the stress-free configuration
std::vector<double> referenceConfigurationX(feBasis.size());
using ScalarBasis = Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,order>;
ScalarBasis scalarBasis(gridView);
std::vector<double> referenceConfigurationX(scalarBasis.size());
auto identity = [](const FieldVector<double,1>& x) { return x; };
Functions::interpolate(feBasis, referenceConfigurationX, identity);
Functions::interpolate(scalarBasis, referenceConfigurationX, identity);
std::vector<RigidBodyMotion<double,3> > referenceConfiguration(feBasis.size());
using Configuration = std::vector<RigidBodyMotion<double,3> >;
Configuration referenceConfiguration(scalarBasis.size());
for (std::size_t i=0; i<referenceConfiguration.size(); i++)
......@@ -122,79 +121,91 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
referenceConfiguration[i].q = Rotation<double,3>::identity();
// Select the reference configuration as initial iterate
// Select the reference configuration as initial iterate
x = referenceConfiguration;
Configuration x = referenceConfiguration;
// /////////////////////////////////////////
// Read Dirichlet values
// /////////////////////////////////////////
x.back().r = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,3> >("dirichletValue");
// A basis for the tangent space
using namespace Functions::BasisFactory;
auto tangentBasis = makeBasis(
// Find all boundary dofs
BoundaryPatch<GridView> dirichletBoundary(gridView,
true); // true: The entire boundary is Dirichlet boundary
BitSetVector<TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension> dirichletNodes(tangentBasis.size(), false);
// Find the dof on the right boundary
std::size_t rightBoundaryDof;
for (std::size_t i=0; i<referenceConfigurationX.size(); i++)
if (std::fabs(referenceConfigurationX[i] - 1.0) < 1e-6)
rightBoundaryDof = i;
// Set Dirichlet values
x[rightBoundaryDof].r = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,3> >("dirichletValue");
auto axis = parameterSet.get<FieldVector<double,3> >("dirichletAxis");
double angle = parameterSet.get<double>("dirichletAngle");
x.back().q = Rotation<double,3>(axis, M_PI*angle/180);
x[rightBoundaryDof].q = Rotation<double,3>(axis, M_PI*angle/180);
// backup for error measurement later
SolutionType initialIterate = x;
std::cout << "Left boundary orientation:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 0: " << x[0].q.director(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 1: " << x[0].q.director(1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 2: " << x[0].q.director(2) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Right boundary orientation:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 0: " << x[x.size()-1].q.director(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 1: " << x[x.size()-1].q.director(1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 2: " << x[x.size()-1].q.director(2) << std::endl;
BitSetVector<blocksize> dirichletNodes(feBasis.size());
dirichletNodes[0] = true;
dirichletNodes.back() = true;
std::cout << "director 0: " << x[rightBoundaryDof].q.director(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 1: " << x[rightBoundaryDof].q.director(1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "director 2: " << x[rightBoundaryDof].q.director(2) << std::endl;
// Create the energy and assembler
using ATargetSpace = TargetSpace::rebind<adouble>::other;
using GeodesicInterpolationRule = LocalGeodesicFEFunction<1, double, FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, ATargetSpace>;
using ProjectedInterpolationRule = GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<1, double, FEBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, ATargetSpace>;
using GeodesicInterpolationRule = LocalGeodesicFEFunction<1, double, ScalarBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, ATargetSpace>;
using ProjectedInterpolationRule = GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<1, double, ScalarBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, ATargetSpace>;
// Assembler using ADOL-C
std::shared_ptr<GFE::LocalEnergy<FEBasis,ATargetSpace> > localRodEnergy;
std::shared_ptr<GFE::LocalEnergy<ScalarBasis,ATargetSpace> > localRodEnergy;
if (parameterSet["interpolationMethod"] == "geodesic")
auto energy = std::make_shared<GFE::CosseratRodEnergy<FEBasis, GeodesicInterpolationRule, adouble> >(gridView,
A, J1, J2, E, nu);
auto energy = std::make_shared<GFE::CosseratRodEnergy<ScalarBasis, GeodesicInterpolationRule, adouble> >(gridView,
A, J1, J2, E, nu);
localRodEnergy = energy;
else if (parameterSet["interpolationMethod"] == "projected")
auto energy = std::make_shared<GFE::CosseratRodEnergy<FEBasis, ProjectedInterpolationRule, adouble> >(gridView,
A, J1, J2, E, nu);
auto energy = std::make_shared<GFE::CosseratRodEnergy<ScalarBasis, ProjectedInterpolationRule, adouble> >(gridView,
A, J1, J2, E, nu);
localRodEnergy = energy;
DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Unknown interpolation method " << parameterSet["interpolationMethod"] << " requested!");
TargetSpace> localStiffness(localRodEnergy.get());
GeodesicFEAssembler<FEBasis,TargetSpace> rodAssembler(gridView, localStiffness);
GeodesicFEAssembler<ScalarBasis,TargetSpace> rodAssembler(gridView, localStiffness);
// Create a solver for the rod problem
RiemannianTrustRegionSolver<FEBasis,RigidBodyMotion<double,3> > rodSolver;
RiemannianTrustRegionSolver<ScalarBasis,RigidBodyMotion<double,3> > rodSolver;
......@@ -243,7 +254,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
displacement[i] = x[i].r;
std::vector<double> xEmbedding;
Functions::interpolate(feBasis, xEmbedding, [](FieldVector<double,1> x){ return x; });
Functions::interpolate(scalarBasis, xEmbedding, [](FieldVector<double,1> x){ return x; });
BlockVector<FieldVector<double,3> > gridEmbedding(xEmbedding.size());
for (std::size_t i=0; i<gridEmbedding.size(); i++)
......@@ -272,7 +283,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
std::cout << "Falling back to legacy file writing. Get dune-vtk for better results" << std::endl;
// Fall-back solution for users without dune-vtk
CosseratVTKWriter<GridType>::write<FEBasis>(feBasis,x, resultPath + "rod3d-result");
CosseratVTKWriter<GridType>::write<ScalarBasis>(scalarBasis,x, resultPath + "rod3d-result");
} catch (Exception& e)
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ set(TESTS
#include <config.h>
// Includes for the ADOL-C automatic differentiation library
// Need to come before (almost) all others.
#include <adolc/drivers/drivers.h>
#include <dune/fufem/utilities/adolcnamespaceinjections.hh>
#include <dune/common/bitsetvector.hh>
#include <dune/grid/onedgrid.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/interpolate.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>
#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/powerbasis.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
#include <dune/fufem/functiontools/boundarydofs.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/cosseratrodenergy.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/geodesicfeassembler.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfeadolcstiffness.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localgeodesicfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/localprojectedfefunction.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/rigidbodymotion.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/riemanniantrsolver.hh>
typedef RigidBodyMotion<double,3> TargetSpace;
const int blocksize = TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension;
// Approximation order of the finite element space
constexpr int order = 2;
using namespace Dune;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
// Rod parameter settings
const double A = 1;
const double J1 = 1;
const double J2 = 1;
const double E = 2.5e5;
const double nu = 0.3;
// Create the grid
using Grid = OneDGrid;
Grid grid(5, 0, 1);
using GridView = Grid::LeafGridView;
GridView gridView = grid.leafGridView();
// Create the stress-free configuration
using ScalarBasis = Functions::LagrangeBasis<GridView,order>;
ScalarBasis scalarBasis(gridView);
std::vector<double> referenceConfigurationX(scalarBasis.size());
auto identity = [](const FieldVector<double,1>& x) { return x; };
Functions::interpolate(scalarBasis, referenceConfigurationX, identity);
using Configuration = std::vector<RigidBodyMotion<double,3> >;
Configuration referenceConfiguration(scalarBasis.size());
for (std::size_t i=0; i<referenceConfiguration.size(); i++)
referenceConfiguration[i].r[0] = 0;
referenceConfiguration[i].r[1] = 0;
referenceConfiguration[i].r[2] = referenceConfigurationX[i];
referenceConfiguration[i].q = Rotation<double,3>::identity();
// Select the reference configuration as initial iterate
Configuration x = referenceConfiguration;
// Set Dirichlet values
// A basis for the tangent space
using namespace Functions::BasisFactory;
auto tangentBasis = makeBasis(
// Find all boundary dofs
BoundaryPatch<GridView> dirichletBoundary(gridView,
true); // true: The entire boundary is Dirichlet boundary
BitSetVector<TargetSpace::TangentVector::dimension> dirichletNodes(tangentBasis.size(), false);
// Find the dof on the right boundary
std::size_t rightBoundaryDof;
for (std::size_t i=0; i<referenceConfigurationX.size(); i++)
if (std::fabs(referenceConfigurationX[i] - 1.0) < 1e-6)
rightBoundaryDof = i;
// Set Dirichlet values
x[rightBoundaryDof].r = {1,0,0};
FieldVector<double,3> axis = {1,0,0};
double angle = 0;
x[rightBoundaryDof].q = Rotation<double,3>(axis, M_PI*angle/180);
// Create the energy and assembler
using ATargetSpace = TargetSpace::rebind<adouble>::other;
using GeodesicInterpolationRule = LocalGeodesicFEFunction<1, double, ScalarBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, ATargetSpace>;
using ProjectedInterpolationRule = GFE::LocalProjectedFEFunction<1, double, ScalarBasis::LocalView::Tree::FiniteElement, ATargetSpace>;
// Assembler using ADOL-C
std::shared_ptr<GFE::LocalEnergy<ScalarBasis,ATargetSpace> > localRodEnergy;
std::string interpolationMethod = "geodesic";
if (interpolationMethod == "geodesic")
auto energy = std::make_shared<GFE::CosseratRodEnergy<ScalarBasis, GeodesicInterpolationRule, adouble> >(gridView,
A, J1, J2, E, nu);
localRodEnergy = energy;
else if (interpolationMethod == "projected")
auto energy = std::make_shared<GFE::CosseratRodEnergy<ScalarBasis, ProjectedInterpolationRule, adouble> >(gridView,
A, J1, J2, E, nu);
localRodEnergy = energy;
DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Unknown interpolation method " << interpolationMethod << " requested!");
TargetSpace> localStiffness(localRodEnergy.get());
GeodesicFEAssembler<ScalarBasis,TargetSpace> rodAssembler(gridView, localStiffness);
// Create a solver for the rod problem
RiemannianTrustRegionSolver<ScalarBasis,RigidBodyMotion<double,3> > solver;
1e-6, // tolerance
100, // max trust region steps
1, // initial trust region radius,
200, // max multigrid iterations
1e-10, // multigrid tolerance
1, 3, 3, // V(3,3) multigrid cycle
100, // base iterations
1e-8, // base tolerance
false); // No instrumentation for the solver
// Solve!
x = solver.getSol();
std::size_t expectedFinalIteration = 4;
if (solver.getStatistics().finalIteration != expectedFinalIteration)
std::cerr << "Trust-region solver did " << solver.getStatistics().finalIteration+1
<< " iterations, instead of the expected '" << expectedFinalIteration+1 << "'!" << std::endl;
return 1;
double expectedEnergy = 162852.7265417;
if ( std::abs(solver.getStatistics().finalEnergy - expectedEnergy) > 1e-7)
std::cerr << std::setprecision(15);
std::cerr << "Final energy is " << solver.getStatistics().finalEnergy
<< " but '" << expectedEnergy << "' was expected!" << std::endl;
return 1;
} catch (Exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
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