- The `RigidBodyMotion` class has been removed. Please use
`ProductManifold<RealTuple,Rotation>` from now on.
- Building the module requires CMake version 3.16 now, to be in line
with the current core modules.
- All files that implement densities have been put into the
`densities` subdirectory.
- All files that implement assemblers have been moved to the
`assemblers` subdirectory.
- All files that implement target spaces have been moved to the
`spaces` subdirectory.
- The file `periodic1dpq1nodalbasis.hh` has been removed. Use `periodicbasis.hh`
from the `dune-functions` module in the future.
- Replaced the class `GlobalGeodesicFEFunction` by a new one called
`GlobalGFEFunction`. There are two important changes: First of all,
the new class implements the `dune-functions` interface rather than
the deprecated one based on inheritance from `VirtualGridViewFunction`.
Secondly, the new class does not hard-wire geodesic interpolation
anymore. Rather, you can give it interpolation classes which then
govern how interpolation is done.
- Added dune-gmsh4 as a dependency
- Build cosserat-continuum for different combinations of LFE-orders and
GFE-orders, the respective program is called
TODO: This is now set during compile time, but shall be changed to be
set during runtime.
- Do not scale the density functions with the thickness to avoid confusion
since some densities need to be scaled and some do not need to be scaled
with the thickness depending on the dimension of the grid, their direction
and their kind (Neumann or volume load).
- Fix bug in the `RealTuple::log` method: Calling `log(a,b)`returned `a-b`
instead of `b-a`.
- Fix the return value of `ProductManifold::log`: It was `TangentVector`,
but now it is `EmbeddedTangentVector`.
- The `RigidBodyMotion` class has a `log` method now.
- The method `Rotation<3>::log` now returns an `EmbeddedTangentVector`
instead of a `SkewMatrix`. This is consistent with the other manifold
- Deprecate the method `RigidBodyMotion::difference`; the method
`RigidBodyMotion::log`. Watch out: The `difference` method was buggy!
for details.