- Apr 30, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
... but disallow a plain pointer. This increases consistency with the GeodesicFEAssembler class.
- Apr 20, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
dune-elasticity also has densities, but they implement a slightly different interface. Instead of having special code for such densities in the LocalIntegralAssembler, add a wrapper that makes densities from dune-elasticity look like dune-gfe densities.
- Mar 25, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
- Mar 24, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
There is no need to wrap the std::function that stores the Neumann force density into a std::shared_ptr.
Sander, Oliver authored
- Mar 19, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
Plus some minor cleanup
Sander, Oliver authored
This replaces the dedicated implementation of the quadrature loop for harmonic energies -- that is not needed anymore. In particular this means that the test for it can be removed. In theory it should be replaced with a test for the harmonic energy *density*, but that density implementation is so short that it doesn't really require a separate test.
Sander, Oliver authored
Rather than using preprocessor switches. That's too fragile and not extensible.
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
If the target manifold is a product space, then ProductManifold must be used, and not a variadic list of the factor space types.
- Feb 12, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
They do the same thing, essentially.
- Feb 07, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
This is what the non-mixed ADOL-C assembler does, and I want to merge the two.
Sander, Oliver authored
The new method is Fufem::markBoundaryPatchDofs, which apparently works in just the same way.
- Jan 15, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
The ProductManifold class generalizes RigidBodyMotion, and can do everything that the RigidBodyMotion class can. Therefore there is no point in keeping RigidBodyMotion any longer. Having two implementations for the same thing will just confuse people.
- Jan 08, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
- Jan 05, 2024
Sander, Oliver authored
- Oct 27, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- May 24, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
- May 22, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
It was apparently not used. If you should ever need something like this in the future, please use periodicbasis.hh from dune-functions.
- May 16, 2023
Sander, Oliver authored
The old style has been deprecated for a long time, and is not supported by dune-fufem anymore. (In particular, the code discretizationerror.hh now requires functions to satisfy the dune-functions function interface.) In the wake of this, compute-disc-error.cc gets a number of changes. Let's hope I didn't screw up anything.
Sander, Oliver authored
There are two important changes: First of all, the new class implements the `dune-functions` interface rather than the deprecated one based on inheritance from `VirtualGridViewFunction`. Secondly, the new class does not hard-wire geodesic interpolation anymore. Rather, you can give it interpolation classes which then govern how interpolation is done. This change was long overdue. It was now needed to make gradient-flow.cc compile with the post 2.9 version of dune-fufem again.
Sander, Oliver authored
The code erroneously used std::tie to combine two local variables to a single return value. That may fail because std::tie produces a tuple of references. Once the method has returned these references may or may not be valid anymore. I am surprised that this bug has not caused trouble much earlier.
- Apr 24, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
In particular: - Use the CosseratVTKWriter also for MIXED_SPACE = 1, only print out the deformation though - Use a SubsamplingVTKWriter only for dim==gridDim==3
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Use the grid function provided by the gmsh4-reader as the stressfreegridfunction in nonplanarcosseratshellenergy
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
This only works for gmsh-files with version 4 or 5, but this is what we want
Sander, Oliver authored
- Apr 20, 2023
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Add option to define deformation Dirichlet values for each direction separately in cosserat-continuum
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Make GFE_ORDER and LFE_ORDER compiler macros and build the necessary combinations of cosserat-continuum-Xd-in-Xd
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
To build these combinations with the CI-system, install foamgrid for the tests with parmg, vtk, curvedgeometry and curvedgrid
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored